Dough strip line

For processing doughs with longer resting times and high dough absorption, we have developed the PANE INTERNATIONAL. Rustic, square rolls can be produced as well as round rolls, long rolls, not to mention wheat soft dough breads and other special rolls. The PANE is optimally designed to process doughs with strong gluten and long pre-proofng and the modular design enables to adjust the line to market changes.
Machine variants
Advantages and benefits of the dough strip line PANE
Stress-free roll and bread production
Combined Stations
Within the head machine save space and makes product processing easier.


Up to 1,460 kg dough/hour
up to 16,200 pieces/hour,
15 - 1,500 g
up to 10,800 pieces/hour,
25 - 450 g
up to 2,000 pieces/hour,
150 - 400 g
Dough absorption
Dough absorption: 80%
Number of rows
1 - 6 rows
Equipment and options
For high-quality products with artisan character
We develop and build all our production lines and machines completely in our own company. The decisive performance features of our lines are their high functional reliability, their excellent proftability and the consistently high quality of all products they make.
Product variety
Gentle dough strip production with the S-shaped set of rollers for relaxed doughs with an open crumbed structure enables a large product variety of bread and rolls in highest quality.

Slit rolls

Square rolls

Ciabatta rolls

Passau rose rolls

Raisin rolls

Diamond-shaped rolls

Triangle rolls

Longmoulded rolls


Artisan stamped rolls

Artisan baguettes

Ciabatta breads


Small breads

Soft wheat dough breads
Service and Support
We make sure that your production lines run.
Our goal - reduce machine downtime and make them predictable through proactive maintenance.
Faults can build up or just happen, no matter what precautions have been taken. When they do, it is vital to initiate and implement the necessary measures as soon as possible to let your lines run again.
Clean is important. Even cleaner is better. WP Clean Up
Extend the life of your machine with the machine cleaner WP CLEAN UP.